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Mega Software & Game Pack for Cect i9, Sciphone, i68

Buy now this mega software pack with a lot of software, tools, manuals and games for your iPhone Clone.

You can use the items for Mobilphones like Cect i9, Sciphone i68, i9+++, i68++ and for the most other mobilphones from china too.

You can buy this Mobil Software Pack only here!

- MTK Firmware Reader
- Opera Mini Browser Edition
- Slide 2 Unlock Text Tool
- Mobile PDF Reader
- MSN Messenger
- Yahoo Messenger
- MyJal MediaPal
- MTK Langage Edit Tool
- Phonesuite v2.0 Sync Soft
- Webcam, Com Port & USB Treiber/Driver
- IMEI Edit Tool
- Cable Treiber/Driver
- Treiber/Driver für XP & Vista
- Firmware Cect i9 3G

- Handbuch/Manual Sciphone i68++
- Handbuch/Manual Cect i9
- Anleitung/Manual: How to use Phone as Modem

- Snake
- Batman Begins
- Harry Potter
- Anno 1701
- Darkest Fear
- Darkest Fear 2
- Arkanoid
- Starcraft Ghost

You use the software, tools and other items on own risk.
If you dont know anything about mobilphone-software you shouldn´t use it for your phone. If you would make mistakes it could happen that the phone would be damaged or working incorrect.

Tags: cect driver, cect i9 driver , sciphone driver, i68 driver, i9 +++ driver, cect games, sciphone games, cect tools, sciphone tools, cect software, sciphone software, ciphone, efox 3gs, cect manual, sciphone manual, mega, software, mobilegame, gamepack, cect, i68, sciphone, Mobile, Software
File Data

This file is sold by scriptomedia-eu, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 46 megabytes
File Type RAR
Customer Rating
Rated 5 out of 05, based on 12 review(s)
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